Sunday, August 26, 2007

The Times Finally Catches Up... and doesn't screw up too bad

The "paper of record" finally noticed the tempest-in-a-teapot that blew over last week about a quarter-degree change in the climate records, a correction of a book-keeping error.

Before the change, 1934 and 1998 were statistically tied for warmest year on record, the difference between them well within the range of measurement error.

After the change....1934 and 1998 are statistically tied for warmest year on record, the difference between them well within the range of measurement error.

Not that the various Well-Paid Professional Liars were deterred from bloviating, of course.

I don't know which is more depressing, that it turned into the mini-brouhaha that it did, or that the Times took as long as did to notice anything was going on.

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